Thursday, November 6, 2014


Starting Monday, November 10th, Pre-sale winter formal tickets will go on sale. Single tickets are $20; couples are $40.

Listen up Wildcats! There will be a Cheerleading Tryout held on November 22nd for anyone who wants to cheer the Basketball season. Interested? Cheer Clinics will be held on Tuesday, 18th, Wednesday 19th, and Friday 21st. the three cheer clinics will be mandatory if you want to tryout. A brief meeting to gain more information will be held Monday 17th in Kerber’s room 204 at 3:00.

How are you contributing to your community? The canned food drive has already started and we need your help! Please continue to donate in your 1st period. The class with the most cans will win a pizza party. Show your Nitro Pride and Donate!

Seniors- If you ordered a signature shirt, you may pick them up in the office at lunch today.

All Junior and Senior student council officers will meet on November 7th in room 209. No excused absences- this is a Mandatory meeting.