Nitronians Pass This Along! Next week's Homecoming Activities:
Monday- -'Merica DayTuesday- -Tie-Dyed TuesdayWednesday- -Sports Day
Thursday- -Super Hero/Villain Day
Friday- -Ultimate Red and Black Day
Thursday- -Super Hero/Villain Day
Friday- -Ultimate Red and Black Day
To help out the Nitro Police for their Halloween Hoedown for every bag of candy an individual student brings in they will be given that many tickets to be placed in a drawing to the lucky person to Pie In The Face an administrator. Bring candy to Mrs Harless in Room 209 to have a chance.
Pictures of the Administrators and Officer Blake will placed in the office and brought out during lunch. The one who has the most money at the end of the week will be the recipient of the infamous Pie In The Face.
Immediately after the game Friday night there will be a "Drive In" type movie night with a Scary Movie to be shown. Tickets are $5.00 a piece and 75 tickets MUST be sold in order to have the movie. Tickets can be purchased in Room 209 or during both lunches.
The Nitro High Chapter of the National Honor Society will be having their Penny Wars next week as well. Each grade level is encouraged to bring pennies for their grade bucket. But...there is a catch...anything other than pennies counts against the grade level the money is in. So if you are a Senior and put silver coins in the Junior bucket the Juniors get negative points!! Sounds like a great way to help one grade win while another tries to get out of debt! Save up your pennies and your silver and help your grade win the War!
The Nitro High Chapter of the National Honor Society will be having their Penny Wars next week as well. Each grade level is encouraged to bring pennies for their grade bucket. But...there is a catch...anything other than pennies counts against the grade level the money is in. So if you are a Senior and put silver coins in the Junior bucket the Juniors get negative points!! Sounds like a great way to help one grade win while another tries to get out of debt! Save up your pennies and your silver and help your grade win the War!
Cathy Harless
Student Council Advisor
Student Council Advisor