The Nitro High School students who have meet the GPA eligibility to start the process for consideration into the Nitro High School Chapter of National Honor Society have been posted on every bulletin board in the school and outside Ms. Grant's room, B101.
Those students whose names are listed meet the academic eligibility requirement (3.75 weighted or 3.5 unweighted overall GPA) for consideration for induction into the Nitro High School Chapter of the National Honor Society. Those students need to pick up a packet from Ms. Grant during the anchor meeting today or from room B101 during lab. The information packet must be completed and submitted to Ms. Grant by Friday, February 12, 2016, no later than 3:00 pm. An explanation of the packet will be given during anchor on January 20. Packets are also being mailed home to guardians with an explanation letter attached.
Absolutely NO late applications will be accepted for any reason.
If you have any questions regarding academic eligibility, please see your counselor.
If you have any questions about the packet, please see Ms. Grant.