Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Announcements 5/9/17

Their will be a mandatory national honor society meeting on Thursday May 11th during anchor in Mr. Shamblin's room. All members must attend!

Business Completers from 2016 and 2017 will meet in Mrs. Marshall's room on Wednesday, May 10th during Anchor to celebrate your accomplishments. Please join us!

DECA will meet as a whole group one last time on Thursday, May 11th in Mrs. Marshall's room during Anchor. Please join us as we celebrate the end of a fabulous 2016-2017 DECA season. The officer selection process for next school year will begin and officers will be named prior to the end of school.

All seniors will need to report by 7:30am on Thursday, May 11th in the auditorium. You will need to have your KCS issued iPad, charging block and charging cord.

If you submitted actual photos for the Senior Slide Show please pick them up in Room 108 from Mrs. Warner as soon as possible.