Nitro High School Show Choir presents “Soups, Sweets and
Seasonal Songs” (Christmas & Frozen
Medley) Thursday, December 11th at Nitro High School Cost: Adults
$8.00 Children ages 3 to 12 $5.00 Children ages 2 &under---FREE. Santa will
be there for pictures and so will Elsa, Anna, and Olaf. Please come out and
enjoy a special evening of music and support Nitro ShowCats!!
DECA MEETING Friday during lunch. It is not too late to
join! $13 DECA dues to Mrs. Marshall as soon as possible.
Starting today, the Nitro Student Council will be collecting
toys for children in the area to be distributed by the Nitro Police Dept. We
are asking that each grade level bring 50 toys into either Mrs. Harless in Rm
209 or give to Officer Blake in the office If we collect 200 toys we will get a
visit from Santa Cop and his helper elves.
Rho Kappa dues need to be turned into Mrs. Simpson by
Friday, December 12th. Dues are $10.
ATTENTION SENIORS: Senior pictures are due to Mrs. Petry or
Haylee Hanna by December 19th. Also, if you haven’t turned in your
baby picture, you need to do so as soon as possible.
Winter formal tickets will be sold during both lunches in
the commons the rest of the month. $25 singles and $50 couples buy them now, in
January singles becomes $30 and couples $60.
ATTENTION AFJROTC: There will be tutoring after school in
the AFJROTC classroom today and every Tuesday from 3:00-4:30PM with special
emphasis in math.
Basketball games this week (Tuesday at 7:30)
Holiday sweater day- 12/10 Wednesday
Student council meeting Thursday during lunch
FCA Friday