Nitro High School will be having 2 lunches for the remainder of the school year.
Students are not to take cafeteria food into the hallways unless a student is approved to eat in a teacher's classroom.
Please no sitting in the hallways
Students are not allowed in the Gymnasium or behind the Gymnasium during lunch
Students are to stay on the lower patio in the front of the building. The front door and sidewalks are off limits
If a parent/guardian is dropping off food to a student please pull into the parking lot and meet the student at the new cafeteria/parking lot entrance. NPD has ask that cars not stop on Park Avenue to drop off food.
Students my sit on the benches in the back hallway but we are asking students not to go beyond the auditorium.
Due to lack of supervision the library will not be open to students at lunch.
The breezeway and the Baker building are off limits during lunch.