Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Future Ben Franklin Students

Any student interested in attending Ben Franklin next year: Applications are available in the counseling center. They are due to your counselor by Friday, Dec. 16th.

Blue Christmas

Holidays can be a painful time for many. It may be the first Christmas without a loved family member or a time that has always been difficult. It is our hope to show everyone that they are not alone and we invite everyone to attend our Blue Christmas Service on Tuesday, December 6 at 6pm in the Auditorium.


 Any junior or senior interested in joining RHO KAPPA Social Studies Honor Society needs to see Mrs. Simpson or Ms. Chandler for an application. Applications are due by December 2.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Christmas Ornaments

The Nitro Showcats and Sophisticats are now taking orders for Nitro Wildcat Christmas Ornaments. The price is $10.00, and is Matte Red Acrylic with white lettering. Please see Ms. Amy or any member to order.

Winter Formal

Winter Formal tickets are on sale in Room 209. Prices will be 20 for single and 40 for couples until December 2. Ticket prices will then go up to 25 for single and 50 per couple until December 16. When we return in January the price of tickets will be 30 and 60. Buy them now at the lower prices! The Formal theme is "Shimmering Snowflakes".

Canned Food Drive

 Beginning November 18th the student groups of Nitro High School will be collecting can food for the local food bank for the Christmas Holiday. If 1000 (hopefully more) are collected by December 9th the administrators have agreed to stand in the commons and sing wearing their ugly Christmas sweaters. Donations can be dropped off in Mrs. Harless' room (209), Ms. Chandler's and Mrs. Gordon's room. You can also place donations in boxes that will be in the Commons. Bring in the cans!!! Hear the musical sounds of our administrators!

Friday, November 25, 2016

After Prom

Wildcats it is that time of year again to start planning the 2017 Afterprom. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, November 29th at 7pm in the Commons. This year's theme, activities, and fundraising will be discussed. All students and parents are invited and needed to have a successful event. Every student at Nitro is able to attend after prom, you do not have to attend prom to come to the all night lock in. Any questions, contact Neva Douglas at the high school.

ASVAB Results

 Attention all NHS Students who took the ASVAB Career Exploration Program test on October 27th 2016. Test results will be released and an invaluable interpretation briefing provided on Wednesday, November 30th at 11:00AM in the school auditorium. Please be prompt. This event is expected to last approximately one hour.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Poetry Out Loud

 Poetry Out Loud will be 12/2 from 8-10:30. Please sign up with Mrs. Gordon in room 201. You need 3 poems: 1. pre-20th century 2. 25 lines or fewer 3. your choice. Please bring Mrs. Gordon 4 copies of each poem by Friday 11/18. Prizes will be: 1st: $75 2nd: $50 3rd: $25

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Senior Trip

Senior trip to Cedar Point will be on Monday, May 15, 2017. Tickets will be $100 and include charter bus, park admission, wristband for unlimited drinks, donuts for trip up and pizza for trip home. Non-refundable deposits of $25 cash or money order will be accepted beginning Monday, November 7th. See Mrs. Douglas in the office

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Pep rally

This is a reminder that there will not be gold pass early release tomorrow. All students will be going to the pep rally at the end of 8th period.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Volleyball Sectionals

Tonight Volleyball Sectionals @ Winfield High. Come out and support our girl's. First game @ 6:00 Nitro vs. Point Pleasant.


November is National DECA Month. To start the month off, Nitro DECA members will be meeting with the City of Nitro Mayor, Mr. Dave Casebolt, to receive a proclamation declaring November 1st DECA Day in the City of Nitro. Have a great Nitro DECA Day!