Sunday, October 29, 2017

Canned food drive

The canned food drive will begin 10/30-11/17 please bring cans to your second period class. the class with the most cans will receive a pizza party, 1 free round of bowling for each student in the class. If we can fill the display case with non-perishable food items by 11/17,
All students will receive a gold pass for 1 day!!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Canned food drive

The canned food drive will begin 10/30-11/17 please bring cans to your second period class. the class with the most cans will receive a pizza party, 1 free round of bowling for each student in the class. If we can fill the display case with non-perishable food items by 11/17,
All students will receive a gold pass for 1 day!!


The student groups of Nitro High School have declared November "Sock-ember"! From November 1st through November 15th we will be collecting socks to donate to shelters, Veteran's Hospitals and other needy groups. Socks can be given to Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Harless, Mr. Shamblin or left in the office. Any style, color, or size will be put to good use!

Blood Drive

Nitro High School's Fall Blood Drive will be held in the main Gym, November 16th from 8:30 to 2:00. Anyone 16 years old (with a Parental Consent Form) or older can participate by giving blood. We encourage students that can to sign up to give two units of blood as the need is great this time of year. YOU MUST BRING A PHOTO ID OR HAVE HAD YOUR PICTURE TAKEN FOR THIS YEAR'S YEARBOOK. Give blood today and save a life tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


 A representative from Herff Jones will be at the school on Friday, October 27th during both lunches to take orders for anyone that has not yet ordered a cap n gown.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Senior Night

Tomorrow is the last day to turn in your completed senior night forms. Bring your completed sheet to Mrs. Kerber in room 215

NHS Cheer

We would like to wish the NHS Cheerleaders the best of luck today. They will be competing in their first competition of the season at Hurricane High School this evening at 6:00. Doors open at 5:30 competition starts at 6:00. Good Luck Ladies

Monday, October 2, 2017

Attention Senior Athletes!

The time has come to walk across Nitro High School's football field with honor and pride as you display your accomplishments and future endeavors...Senior Night is November 3rd! Senior Members of ROTC, Band, Football, Cheerleading, Dance, and Cross Country should come pick up a form from Mrs. Kerber in room 215.

In order to participate in Senior Night, you MUST complete the form by October 27th and return it to Mrs. Griffith or Mrs. Kerber.

If you would like a poster made you will need to provide 6-8 photos and $6.00 to Mrs. Petry by October 12th.