Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week of 9/6/16

Students we have 462 gold passes this week which is a record.  Our goal for the 1st semester is 450 so keep up the good work in the classroom.
The anchor lookup form has been redesign to email you your anchor assignments when grades get pull.  If you have previously submitted the form you should be receiving an email Tuesday morning.  If you have not submitted an anchor lookup form this year we suggest you do so at this time  bit.ly/Anchor1617.  Remember it is up to each student to know what his/her anchor assignment is weekly.

Scheduled Anchor
Girls Soccer  vs. Capital
Volleyball @ Chapmanville Away
Boys Soccer @. Lincoln County

Gold Pass/Assigned Anchor
Clubs: 1. Quiz Bowl 2. Prom

Gold Pass/Assigned Anchor
Clubs: 1. Honor Society Officers
Girls Soccer vs. Charleston Catholic
Volleyball @ Man
Boys Soccer @ Point Pleasant

Early Out
Football @ Herbert Hoover

Volleyball @ Buffalo Tournament
Girls Soccer @ Sissonville
Boys Soccer vs. Riverside