Sunday, May 15, 2016

Questions about Monday's Awards Assembly

We have had a few questions about our Awards Assembly on Monday.
1.  As always parents are more then welcome to come.   Please come directly to the gym.  We will have the middle portion of the bleachers taped off for parents.
2.  A majority of the awards will be given to Seniors but some departments are giving awards to underclassmen.
3.  We expect the assembly to last a little more than an hour.
4.  Seniors will be checking out immediately after the assembly.
5.  All Seniors must report to the Auditorium at 8am with their robes.

  Here is an order of presenters.
1) Promise Scholarship
2) Honors Graduates
3) AP Scholars
4) English Dept
5) Math Dept
6) Art
8) PE
9) Spanish Dept
10) Physics Awards
11) DECA
12) Business
13) Community Service
14) MU Alpha Theta
15) Rho Kappa
16) Athlete Awards
17) Bowling Club
18) Tennis
19) Cheerleading
20) Student Council reg/ Scholarship
21) Red Cross Scholarship
22) National Honor Society
23) Principal and Assistant Principal awards